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  • Performing Database Queries in Spring Boot: JPA Repository vs. JdbcTemplate
  • CRUD Operations: JPA Repository offers pre-defined methods for basic Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on your entities.
  • Declarative Queries: You can create finder methods by convention to perform queries based on entity properties.
  • Relationships and Associations: JPA Repository automatically handles relationships between entities, simplifying complex queries.
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {

    List<User> findByNameContaining(String name);

    User findByEmail(String email);
  • UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long>, indicating the entity type (User) and its primary key type (Long).
  • findByNameContaining(String name) is a finder method that retrieves users whose names contain the specified string (using like operator).
  • findByEmail(String email) is another finder method that fetches a user by their email address.
  • Custom Queries: When JPA Repository’s finder methods or JPQL/Criteria API capabilities are insufficient.
  • Stored Procedures and Functions: To call stored procedures or functions directly with raw SQL.
  • Bulk Operations: For efficient execution of large-scale updates or deletes.

Code Sample (JdbcTemplate):

  • UserDaoImpl implements UserRepository but uses JdbcTemplate for queries.
  • findByNameContaining(String name) demonstrates a custom query using prepared statement with a RowMapper to map results to User objects.
  • Prioritize JPA Repository: For most common CRUD operations and queries that can be expressed through its methods or JPQL/Criteria API, JPA Repository is preferred due to its cleaner syntax, automatic mapping, and type safety.
  • Use JdbcTemplate When:
    • You need complete control over the SQL query, including non-standard operations or database-specific features.
    • You’re performing bulk operations or stored procedure calls.
    • You’re comfortable with raw SQL and JDBC concepts.

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