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  • Redis Goes Dual-License: Time to Rethink Your In-Memory Strategy?
  • Redis Source Available License (RSALv2): A permissive license that allows modification and commercial use of the code.
  • Server Side Public License (SSPLv1): A more restrictive license that restricts redistribution of modified versions in some cases .
  • Valkey: A high-performance, distributed key-value store inspired by Redis and backed by the Linux Foundation, Amazon, and other cloud providers. Valkey offers a promising alternative with a focus on scalability and performance.
  • RediSearch: A high-relevance and scalable search engine compatible with Redi. (Note: While functionally similar, RediSearch isn’t a direct replacement for Redis itself)
  • KeyDB: A memory-optimized key-value store offering features similar to Redis.
  • Redict: Another open-source in-memory data store with a focus on performance and scalability.
  • Comfort with the New License: If the SSPLv1 restrictions feel too tight for your cloud deployment, then exploring alternatives might be wise.
  • Investment in Existing Infrastructure: Switching databases can be a complex process, so weigh the cost of migration against the benefits of the new solution.
  • Feature Compatibility: Ensure the alternative offers the functionalities you heavily rely on in Redis.

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